An overview of grants and support possibilities for your HR projects
In these turbulent socioeconomic times, you can still fall back on a lot of support from our different governments. Depending on the location of your company and the employees within Belgium, different types of grants can be requested. This guidance document gives an overview of possible grants to be requested for your company and directs you to the appropriate websites.
HR funding is possible for different types of projects, i.e., caring for the well-being of your employees, improving their technical skills, and talent acquisition. This guidance document gives you also category grant options.
With this document, we aim to provide guidance in the many funding possibilities. We refer to the applicable websites for complete information on the funding and for the latest updates on funding restrictions.
Also, this list is not complete, but we aim to give you a starting selection that will cover most of the options.
Funding Overview – By Geographic Location in Belgium
Funding Overview - By project type
Do you want to know more? You can download an e-book here with more details concerning the grants or funds:
Target Group
Grant/Funding amount
How to apply
Latest update
Useful link
Or give us a call: 0479/98 46 69