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Mastermind: Innovative formats

Use innovative formats during your session

35 euro
Online via Zoom

Beschrijving van de dienst

Every mentor or trainers ‘s ambition is to make learning as impactful and engaging as possible. The right format is essential to engage your audience. With tips, tricks, methodologies, feedback and prizes to keep you on track, you’ll publish your first mentor session in no time. Practical: Zoom meeting Goal At the end of this session you : - Repeat how your participants learn best - Different formats different results & interactions - Share different types of formats and learn what type off learners you will attract - Defining formats in line with your goals and outcomes Preparation: Some pre-reading and questions will be send in advance Homework: Refine your sessions approach. Approach: - High-level theory - Practical discussions and examples If you want more background : - Training increase the likability of your session If you want to have receive feedback and work-out your session with other book: - Mastermind impactfull online - Individual coaching impactfull online



Aarschotsesteenweg 180D, Herselt, Belgium

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